Pratica FB 612
Separate Tank and 3 and 5 axis Cnc Flying Bridge technology with ball screws transmissions and automatic lubricating system.
PRATICA FBR 510 – Revolving Flying Bridge and Modular Systems
Double Table with an automatic revolving bridge
This configuration allows material unloading and loading from one table, once the cutting cycle ends, while on the second table a new cut cycle has been started. This safe process reduces down time and increases the uptime of the cutting system.
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- Technical
X = 3.050 mm Y = 2.000 mm Z = 180 mm |
Net Cutting Area |
X = 10′
Y = 6′ 1/2′
Z = 7″
3.650 mm x 2.240 mm | Inner Table Working Area | 12′ x 7′ 1/2 |
4.200 mm x 3.000 mm x h 1.800 mm |
Overall Dimensions |
14′ x 10′ x
h 6′ 1/2
0 – 12 mt / min | Rapid Speed | 0 – 40′ / min |
3.000 Kg | Table Weight | 7.500 lb |
± 0,08 mm | Position Accuracy | ± 0,003’ |
± 0,05 mm | Repeatibility | ± 0,002’ |
± 0,08 mm | Ball Bar Ø 300 mm | ± 0,003’ |